Renis is a life choice, a conscious escape from a city life that imposes fast rhythms and takes away spaces from those who love living in everyday contact with nature.
Renis is a life choice, a conscious escape from a city life that imposes fast rhythms and takes away spaces from those who love living in everyday contact with nature.
To experience the alternating seasons day after day, to perceive their beauty, and to feel a mental well-being that rewards us for our physical labours: this is what we wanted when we came here to Prata, a magical place for beauty-seeking and free thinking. Making wine can be a game, but if it becomes a life choice and a job it requires commitment and hard work, and above all passion, because the final product is the portrait of whoever puts his heart and toil into it. But it’s not just wine, though. Our farm also producesoil, another gift from the earth that we cultivate with the same care and devotion.
As Roberta says, “we changed our way of living to provide a different perspective, but above all roots for our children. And today, the facility is our life.”
The story began in 2012 with 3,000 bottles of wine, while the oil started later as another product of our efforts. Good results encouraged us to plant more vineyards and olive groves. Sometimes, the sincere words of those who are excited about drinking our wine or tasting our oil are more than enough. Renisis a wine that recounts the magic of this place. It changes from one year to the next, and does not seek a recognizability demanded by marketing strategies
This is a place for dreamers unfit for a hurried life. What is Suveretoto us? “A land in a different world, silent and undeveloped. Seen from here, it’s a living Nativity scene.” Where can the spirit of the place be felt and discovered? “Lie down on this field and look up at the sky – feel the warmth of the Earth; feel it breathe. Then, walk or bike on the road between Sassetta and Suvereto, or along the road hidden in the woods when heading towards Montioni.” Our farm boasts 3 red wines and a rosé: Renis, Vic, Roberta, and Il Rosato. And of course, there is our oil, which expresses the same passion and quality that we put into our wine.
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